Dear Cody,
It isn’t that I lied or cheated on you. I never did anything to hurt you on purpose. I do miss you. I miss things about you. I don’t miss how in the end how we treated each other. In the end, it was bad. The start was great. But over all, it wasn’t bad either. We both are at points in our lives that are making us who we are. You have the school thing and friends thing and party thing. This is what your suppose to be doing at your age.
I on the other hand, want a real life, work, a house, kids, a real life. We just can’t see eye to eye. I hope one day we can sit and have tea and laugh about the great times we had and forget the sad. I want you to find someone that makes you truly happy and loves all of you. I want you to work out all angry and just realize love is in the air. Love has always been there.
I know this want have any effect on you. You will still hate me. You will still think I am in the wrong. That I am nothing but a bitch, cunt and whore or slut. I am whatever you think I am. I will never be anything else but that to you.
That is okay. I wish you the best. With time I will forgive you. I will have forgot all the bad and move on to live a very happy life without you. To bad you couldn’t just be friends. You couldn’t just be happy with that. It was all or nothing for you. No middle ground.
Goodbye Cody. Sweet dreams. Goodnight forever.
— Jenn