Stupid drama queen

I’m kind of mad at the moment; well, I have been a little mad all day. Reason being: Candice calls me asking if I want to ride with her and Kim to the airport to pick this chick up. I agreed. Today I call Kim asking when we was going to leave and when they was going to pick me up. This was after I had already told Keith had plans and I had already got up, got ready and ate. Kim said she didn’t know I was going and to let her go so she could call Candice to find out all the info. Kim calls me back in a few minutes. “Candice said your not going. She said we might have picked you up if we had time but we didn’t so your not going.” :grr: WTF? I was so mad!!!! It would have been nice to let me know something. :secret: I better stop now before I start typing some really bad words. ๐Ÿ˜† (FYI: Kim was not the bad guy. She ended up not going either.)

I guess today has went by fast but that isn’t the point. The point was I had plans which didn’t matter. (NOTE: They did to me. You know?) I think one reason Candice said that was because she is such a drama queen. Everyone knows it. If drama isn’t going on then “Oh, no the world is coming to an end”. Man, it just makes me mad to be around people like that. I really wanted to try to be friends with her again. I really was trying. Keith asked me to stop talking to her. He said drama gives him a headache and he doesn’t feel like hearing it. I don’t blame him at all. My head hurts from just thinking about what happen today. Stupid drama queen. That made me feel better. *giggles* :cute:

On a brighter note Keith :hearts: gets off work at 11:30 tonight. YAY! This makes me happy. I get to see my baby hours before normally he wouldn’t even be getting off work. The reason why he got off work early was because today was just overtime for him. He had to only had to work for 8 1/2 hours not the norm 12 hours. I know he will be glad as well. He didn’t want to get out of bed this morning. Nor did I! It felt so good.

What the . . .

I have such a headache. :ouch: I don’t know what the problem is. Maybe I need more Coca-Cola. I love that stuff. :yummy:

I have been working on a few things around here on the domain. I have been adding little cute web icons and such. I am pissed about one matter. I got an email from my domain about how I’m using 80% of my bandwidth. I think to myself, CRAZY! No way I am using 4 GB then I look at my last 300 visitors in my cpanel. And 5 different people was linking to my wallpapers. I wrote down the names and changed the image to a big one that said “I’m a bandwidth WHORE. I took this image from crazy–” and then I moved all wallpapers to a new folder. I deleted all images that people was linking too and moved them to new folders. I also blocked about 6 IPs. I can’t believe people. ๐Ÿ‘ฟ I was so mad. I could have killed someone last night.

Poor Nathan, he looked at me and asked “What’s a bandwidth whore?” I didn’t have anything to come back with. Have you ever tried to explain what bandwidth is to someone who knows nothing about the internet but how to check his email. :doh: It wasn’t easy. I tried anyway. He just kind of looked at me and nodded yes. :looksright:

I still haven’t told my parents about my nose ring. I am trying to but every time I start too I think “Not a good time” or “Maybe later”. I just know I am going to forget to tell them and when I see them they are just going to drop their jaw.

Note to self: Most tell parents about nose ring before next visit.

Totally Gay! VH1

I just got done watching Totally Gay on VH1. Great show. I am glad that gay is coming out. You know? That sounds so cheesy but I don’t mean it like it sounds or do I? ๐Ÿ˜† I heard someone on the show make a statement about gay rights and the quote was “Gays believe we haven’t come very far but if you think back 10 years ago or even 5 years ago you would think we was in the stone age.” That wasn’t the complete quote and I’m not sure I got all the words correct but I got the main idea across. Some people believe that gay rights haven’t gone very far but you have to realize everything has to be done in steps. I hope in my life time gay marriage is legal. I believe it will be. Gay numbers will out weight the straight. Wow, a mini-rant. I didn’t know it was in me. :lmao:

I finally got my nosed pierced. I love it. :hearts: Keith done it for me. It looks so cute. The picture isn’t that good. I took it myself when I should have had Keith or Nathan to do it. But you know me. I haven’t told my mom or dad about my nose yet but I’m sure I will or they will notice it the next visit for sure. I really don’t feel like hearing them tell me how bad it looks and how I will “never” get a job with it in my nose. Parents, can’t live with them and can’t live without them. ๐Ÿ˜€ I just crack myself up sometimes.

Well, I have some work to do and then I’m off to watch some good late night tv.

Especially called “passwords.txt”

God people are so mean, I just found this on Grouphug.Us. I can’t believe what people will do to other people. Some people are just evil. ๐Ÿ‘ฟ But on the other side, I do kind of agree with the very bottom part. “This should teach people to be more careful and not uploading a text file (especially called “passwords.txt”!) in a directory without any index file or .htaccess protecting it, or even without chmodding it.” I guess it would teach them. I would have to agree.

I found log ins and passwords in the results of a famous search engine, I tried them and they worked. I could change the password this guy’s email address, all the instant messengers services he was using, change his innocent profile to a sex beast, thirsty to death of orgies and wild sex, changed his website, inserted a lot of porn pictures all over it so that slowed down any browser used and longer/harder to close.

This should teach people to be more careful and not uploading a text file (especially called “passwords.txt”!) in a directory without any index file or .htaccess protecting it, or even without chmodding it.

The next time I’m thinking of inserting flash animations of 0x0px but containing a loud sound about an horny girl having an orgasm or just having sex, or the famous “My boss is a c*nt!”. Embedded wavs/mp3 doesn’t work on all the platforms, and almost everyone have the flash plug in.

Am I just as bad as that person? No, I can’t be. I just agree with some of it. LOL I am a little bitch sometimes, aren’t I?

Here is another entry I found there.

my boyfriend came inside of me last night so i’m figuring that i could be pregnant. i have no problem getting an abortion and he has no problem paying for it, but i’m just too lazy to go through all of that.

WTF? :ouch: If that chick is too lazy to get an abortion then she is too lazy to have a kid. OMG! I can’t believe people. This just shows you what kind of people are out there.

This bugs me.

I went to order a catalog from Adam and Eve and I couldn’t because of where I live. I will put what the web site posted when I tried to received my free catalog.

The address you have entered as your Catalog Mailing Address is located in a restricted area.

At this time, we are unable to send any XXX books, magazines or videos to KENTUCKY. Your statewide community has been considered sexually conservative and our lawyers have advised us against it. Keep in mind that this is not a matter of legislation and that both the billing and shipping addresses must be in a non-conservative area.

WTF? That bothers me. I mean, I am 19 years old (20 in Nov.) I can walk in to any porn shop I want and buy anything I want but to get a catalog in my own home to look at. NO! That’s out of the question. :grr: That pisses me off. It makes no since. Does that mean I can’t order from there as well. If so, fine. I won’t. Damn place.