
No bail out for me

I am so upset about my freaking water pipes. They have been frozen since Friday the 8th. It makes me so mad because all Raymond had to do is leave the water dripping. Like that is so freaking hard. Now it has warmed up enough to turn the water back on at the meter to see if it has unfroze. Well, it had. Bad news, it was the main pipe going from the water meter to the house. So, it is broken now.

I have to work tomorrow but dad said he would come over and help try to fix it. The deal is that Raymond has to be there and well, he fails. He left today and still hasn’t come back home. He just text and stated that he would be here in the morning. If he isn’t, I have news for him. If he bails on me and doesn’t come home to help me fix this. I am kicking him out. It was his fault for turning the water off. I just don’t know what I am going to do besides try to get under the house and fix it. The joys of being a home owner. I am glad in most cases because it is paid for and I don’t worry for rent but then this happens and I can’t just call some one and be like, “hey. Come fix this.” Like when I was renting.
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4 minutes

Tomorrow Cody will be gone to basic training for a week. I am still waiting on my first letter. Weather has been terrible so I haven’t really been able to get the post office. Which is sad. But I did get to have two phone calls this week. Each totaling in 2 minutes each. I loved hearing his voice. This week has went by slowing. I am hoping it picks up. I want to hold my baby.

Besides that, work has been going great. I like the people I work with. I enjoy my job. I get to sit in a room scanning the old deed, marriage and mortgage listening to my MP3 player. It is a pretty awesome job. My boss is awesome too. πŸ˜€

My lip is killing me. I bit it and now it has a huge sore on it. I have been trying to doctor it but it isn’t getting much better. Then my water pipes froze. Which sucks. I had great luck until I went to work and my brother turned off all the dripping water. The butt nugget.

Work: my first day

I started work today. I have been bitching this whole week before about starting and being nervous but it was amazing. I love my job. It’s super easy, I am going to be working Tue, Wed, Thur and Friday a total of 28 hours a week at $10 an hour. After tax about $240 a week. Which is amazing. I have never worked anywhere that paid weekly. I can take breaks when I want. Amazing. I love it. Simple as that. I keep saying that but I really do. The people I work with are so nice and easy to get along with.

I heard from Cody today. He got to make a 2 minute phone call. He sounded kind of sad. He said it wasn’t as bad as he thought. He loved and missed me. We made a promise to always say “Good night. Sweet dreams.” every night no matter what. I have held up to my end. I hope he is too. Because we always say it before bed. I am really glad I heard from him. I was so worried.

I am so tired from getting up so early today to be at work on time. The joys of having a day job. Which is awesome too! lol πŸ˜€ Well, I need to get to bed since I am not sure if I will work tomorrow or not. Since it is suppose to come a bad winter storm tonight and I am not driving in ice and snow.

Second day

Yesterday I drop Cody off to get on a bus to leave for basic training. OMG! I didn’t think I would miss him so much. I’m not crying every minute. I don’t think I have cried but once or twice. It was late. I was lonely. You know how it is. πŸ™

I am sure as the weeks go on, it will be easier. I am just so use to him being there laying next to me. Mr. Kitty stayed in the bedroom with me last night. Made it a little easier.

I am just catching up on laundry and picking up my room a little bit today since I start work tomorrow. I haven’t worked in almost a year. I know the first couple of days are going to be hard to get use to since I am on days. Which is a plus, really. Just not use to getting up at 7am. I am sure once I do that a couple days I will feel great. Seeing day light and all. πŸ™‚

Well, the first load of laundry is done and now I need to start the other load. Yay for house cleaning.


Cloudy. . .

I am so tired. I haven’t felt good all day. I think I am coming down with a cold. NOOO! I think I am going to fix me a bit to eat and see if that makes me feel any better. Waiting on Cody and Dustan to get here from school. When they get home, I’m heading to my moms to watch Cloudy with a chance of meatballs with my family. I got it burned on DVD. πŸ™‚ OMG I can’t wait. Going to be great my the kids.

I need to finish laundry and making the bed. That is about it. Everything else is done. Which is awesome on my part.