Something you drew
Something you drew: Photo A Day Challenge (My drawing of my chest tattoo I took to my tattoo artist! 😀 I didn’t do to bad. Since I can’t draw at all. lol)
Something you drew
Something you drew: Photo A Day Challenge (My drawing of my chest tattoo I took to my tattoo artist! 😀 I didn’t do to bad. Since I can’t draw at all. lol)
Orange: Photo A Day Challenge (Kyle and Jeffrey the giraffe at his work.)
Hair: Photo A Day Challenge (My hair was looking a hot mess that day but I didn’t care. Kyle was moving his stuff in to our house.)
Something you don’t like
Something you don’t like: Photo A Day Challenge (Surprisingly enough I hate needles but I love my tattoos. So, I picked a picture of me getting my chest worked on.)
Flower: Photo A Day Challenge (I picked one of my grandma’s flowers. Not sure the real name but she always called them hens and chickens. This reminds me of home.)