Barney is the Antichrist!

Yet again I have been reading random stuff online and found this.

Everyone knows Barney… that cute purple dinosaur. But here’s something that you may not know:

1. Start with the given:

2. Change all U’s to V’s (which is proper Latin anyway)

3. Extract all Roman Numerals:

4. Convert these into Arabic values:
100 5 5 50 500 1 5

5. Add these numbers up:
+ 5

There you have it… A valid mathematical proof that Barney is the Antichrist!

I would believe that Barney is the Antichrist. LOL :cute: I mean, come on, who would think that? Anyway, I guess I better write about what is going on in my life.

Keith has been working for the last two days (well, yesterday and today) and he is off work Wednesday through Friday and works the weekend. I am kind of glad he is working. That means we don’t have to drive this weekend. Nathan is suppose to be coming over Wednesday and spending the night a couple nights. Which I don’t mind at all. I like hanging out with Nathan. He is one of my two really cool brother-in-laws I have. πŸ™‚

If anyone is wondering my Cookie is doing fine. It is kind of funny. She has finally noticed the hamster and mice cages and she just sit there looking at them for a good 30 minutes at a time. It is so cute. I have taken a few pictures of it. I might try to upload them and let your guys see. 😳 I know, I talk about her a lot but I can’t help it. I am just so glad she is home.

My puppy is home!

The land lord found out from the guy that owns the buildings that it is cool for Cookie to be here. πŸ™‚ YAY!!! I am so happy. That’s all I really have to say. I am just so happy about that.

We ended up not going to Kentucky Down Under like we said. Where it had :rain: rain off and on for the past week we was scared it would be muddy and we just didn’t feel like walking in it but we still have had fun. Keith and I both love having the girls here. We went to Wal-Mart and shopped. And came home and watched TV and played.

Around 8:15pm or so I gave them their baths and they had a cup of hot coco and went to bed. Everyone is a sleep now but me. I have enjoyed having the girls here but on the other hand I love having my ME time. πŸ˜‰ I think any women would say the same.

You did what, to who, for how many cookies?

Guess who now has a fanlisting for her? PICK ME!! Rainbow Fanlisting Are you fan? If so, you should go join. Make me feel loved. *giggles* πŸ˜€

We went to Keith’s parents house Saturday night and stayed the night and got up and went to my parents house for a grill out Sunday. We had fun. We just hung out and talked with both sides of the family.

Nothing much else to report. Just tired. :yawn: I went to bed with Keith last night around 8pm or so. I got up around 1:45am to cook him breakfast and fix his lunch for him. I plan on staying up for a few hours. I need to call about some apartments and houses and I need to pick up the living room some and finish washing all the clothes. :yuck:

We plan on moving with in the next month or so. Hints the reason why I am going to call about some apartments and houses today. We looked in the paper and found a few that might work. We are looking for a 3 bedroom because his brother is going to be moving in with us and we need more space anyway. Nathan’s graduation is May 27 I believe. Which means, I have been out of school for one year now. WOW! It doesn’t seem that long.

For once the weather was very nice this weekend. :sun: I so enjoyed having the sun shine down and being about to sit in the sun and feel good. :looksleft: I love pretty weather. I think everyone does.

Thank you for every ones suggests about what I should do about my period. I am going to call the Health Department today and try to get appointment for this week. I am going to ask to be put on the shot I think. I am going to talk to them about all birth control but I want something that I don’t have to worry about and is easy. I hate thinking about getting a shot often but if that means I will feel better and my heath will improve that I am all about it.

I have been off birth control since October and I think it is finally taken its toll on me. I have been getting heavier and heavier and I am starting to get weaker and weaker. I think getting on birth control again will really help that. I need to be on it anyway but didn’t start taking it back after I had the miscarriage.

Anywho. . .

I feel better today. Keith was off work, I got to sleep in and we hung out at Wal-Mart for a while. I love that place. :heart:

I just wanted to address how I feel about breeding my mice. I understand about people not like taking them and all. That’s why we are only breeding her once and putting all the males in one cage and all the females in another. We have a pet store right up the road that said they would take them if we got to many but we just wanted to see if she would have any babies and then if she did split them up after. I only wanted to breed her once anyway.

But anyway, today has went by kind of fast for some reason. I got up late and like I said we went to Wal-Mart for a bit, came back home and finished watching a movie. Keith got online for a while and then we played Gamecude! I really use to hate fighting games but he got me playing Soul Calibur II. It really is a fun game. I would have never of thought that. LOL

You know what is really funny? My mom ran in to an old boyfriends dad today and was talking to him and he asked how I was doing and mom was telling him that Keith and I was married and doing good. He told her that he wished that me and his son would have lasted. How funny? πŸ˜€

The reason this is so funny is because I’m talking about Malachi. I dated Malachi for about 2 weeks and then my best friend at the time started dating in for about a year or a little longer. Malachi’s dad said that he never really liked my best friend and that he wished Malachi would have kept dating me. LMAO. That is just great to me because my friend always thought that Malachi’s dad liked her best and told me this once or twice. *cracks up* I just can’t help but laugh. :cute:

Opps, I wasn’t suppose to say anything but I couldn’t just hold that in. It was to good. You just can’t make something that funny up. I guess most people aren’t going to find the humor but I do. I guess you would just have to know this girl in person.

I’m not a dummie!

Some of you guys asked if the book was well written and it is. It starts out simple but the way it is written you don’t have to read it from front to back to understand what’s going on. I have really learned a lot from it. YAY! I looked on the back and realized that if I had bought it in stores it would have cost at least $24.99. DAMN! That is a lot of money. That’s the reason I love on line shopping. πŸ˜€

Keith and I haven’t done much today. We went and payed the rent today after he got off work and that’s about it. Nothing real exciting. We came home watched a little TV and he went to bed.

Oh the plus side, I got a phone call from an old friend that I hadn’t talked to in a while, Jennifer. I was really happy about hearing from her. I missed talking to her. YAY for Jenni! πŸ™‚ I also talked to my friend Christina earlier. It has been a good day to talk on the phone.

I think this weekend we are going out Saturday with my mom and dad to Red Lobster. Yum. I haven’t been to Red Lobster since at least my 18th birthday. I can’t wait. :yummy: