
iPad taken on Easter 2013

Taken with iPad on Easter 2013

Today has been a long day. I’m tired. Still pissed about Erika being pregnant & me not being. On top of that I had to be around her due to the fact it’s Easter. Cendy grilled out for dinner & everyone was there visiting.

The grilled food smelled like happy. Note to self: most get a grill.


The over due list



This month like every other month is super busy. This that happen:

  • March 9th: My mom’s 50th birthday. Had a family dinner and cake at my house
  • March 13th: Got my tattoo touched up and another added to my left rib cage
  • March 16th: Caroline’s 14th birthday. Went to her party
  • March 16th & 17th: We went to TN rented a hotel for the night, got up the next morning and went to one of our friends wedding PS: I love mini-road trips with my husband.
  • March 24th: Friends had grill out and game night
  • March 29th: (tomorrow) Kyle gets the rest of his arm finished up. Tattoos for all!

Also, I ordered a pretty nice camera from Toys R Us should be getting that in the mail any day. Which means I need to renew my Flickr account now.

As you can see from my list I am busy. This doesn’t include my 30 hour work week nor full time college student nor full time wife. 😛 But would I change at thing. . .never!

Also, this is wordless Wednesday; so here is a picture!!


Day 1 of 366

Last year was an amazing year! For once in my life everything seems to be falling into place and going where they need to go. Since last year was so good here is to hoping this year will be just as great!

Today has been a good day as well. We woke up super late, snacked, watched almost the whole sixth season of Dexter and now, well, now we are about to head to bed because well, being lazy is hard. Which by the way never happens. Even on my lazy days, I cleaned some. Did dishes, swept and moped the kitchen, cooked dinner, cleaned the hamster cages, cleaned cat box, cleaned bathroom and vacuumed the whole house. 😀

New Year Resolutions?

  1. Finish college (fall 2012)
  2. Buy a house (this and the next one go hand in hand)
  3. Sell our trailer
  4. Start a family :love:
  5. Find a job with my college degree
  6. Try to blog at least 1 time a week that isn’t a picture post / auto post

I have some really big New Year Resolutions, here is to hoping I can at least get 3 of 6 of them. Which 3, finish college, start a career, blog more. . .well, okay 4, start a family. I really want that one. lol


Merry Christmas. . .or whatever you do for the holidays


(Picture includes left to right: Kyle, Alex, Erka, Grey, Me and Melvin taking the picture. Taken on Christmas Eve!

It is 7 minutes before Christmas is over and I am a very happy and lucky girl. I have an amazing husband, wonderful family, this includes his family as well and our perfect friends. We are very luck for everything and everyone. I don’t say it enough but I am so thankful.

I hope everyone got what they wanted and got to spend the day / holidays with someone they love. Life is to damn short to be unhappy.