
iPad taken on Easter 2013

Taken with iPad on Easter 2013

Today has been a long day. I’m tired. Still pissed about Erika being pregnant & me not being. On top of that I had to be around her due to the fact it’s Easter. Cendy grilled out for dinner & everyone was there visiting.

The grilled food smelled like happy. Note to self: most get a grill.


Day 1 of 366

Last year was an amazing year! For once in my life everything seems to be falling into place and going where they need to go. Since last year was so good here is to hoping this year will be just as great!

Today has been a good day as well. We woke up super late, snacked, watched almost the whole sixth season of Dexter and now, well, now we are about to head to bed because well, being lazy is hard. Which by the way never happens. Even on my lazy days, I cleaned some. Did dishes, swept and moped the kitchen, cooked dinner, cleaned the hamster cages, cleaned cat box, cleaned bathroom and vacuumed the whole house. πŸ˜€

New Year Resolutions?

  1. Finish college (fall 2012)
  2. Buy a house (this and the next one go hand in hand)
  3. Sell our trailer
  4. Start a family :love:
  5. Find a job with my college degree
  6. Try to blog at least 1 time a week that isn’t a picture post / auto post

I have some really big New Year Resolutions, here is to hoping I can at least get 3 of 6 of them. Which 3, finish college, start a career, blog more. . .well, okay 4, start a family. I really want that one. lol


Merry Christmas. . .or whatever you do for the holidays


(Picture includes left to right: Kyle, Alex, Erka, Grey, Me and Melvin taking the picture. Taken on Christmas Eve!

It is 7 minutes before Christmas is over and I am a very happy and lucky girl. I have an amazing husband, wonderful family, this includes his family as well and our perfect friends. We are very luck for everything and everyone. I don’t say it enough but I am so thankful.

I hope everyone got what they wanted and got to spend the day / holidays with someone they love. Life is to damn short to be unhappy.


NaBloPoMo. . .

I hadn’t really thought much about National Blog Posting Month or NaBloPoMo but I have wanted to try it. I guess this is a good as time as any. I have a lot going on this month. Like always I have work and school, my brother’s birthday (6th), my birthday (12th), my wedding day (12th), Cammie‘s birthday (18th), Thanksgiving, Black Friday and so much more every day shit that I have to do. πŸ˜€

I feel like time is speeding up and that isn’t a good thing. . .I miss having a lazy day here and there but it hasn’t happened yet. On the plus side, I haven’t missed a day yet of blogging because every Tuesday I post a quote and I do Wordless Wednesdays. Wish me luck.

Oh, yeah, I know I said something about it earlier but Kyle and I are getting married on 11.12.11. How awesome!! Best birthday gift ever!! πŸ˜€ <3 So happy!!


I saved over $283 and not buying car insurance

I am already loving working at ShopNBC. Everything that is seen on TV can’t be sold to customers, since it has been “used” on TV. There for they have an “ebay” style auctions for employees to bid on items. I had known about the auctions since my first week but didn’t really have the money to buy anything so I just didn’t look. Tonight I had a little extra money and I looked and bought.

First a Grand Suites 300TC Silk & Cotton Jacquard Seven-Piece Duvet & Sheet Set which is normally $197.00, I got it for . . . $18.75. That’s right! I can’t wait to get some nice sheet sets. πŸ™‚ I got a Suzanne Somers Coral-Colored Rose Ring for Caroline as a Christmas gift normally $54.00, I got it for . . . $5.00. Then I got another Dream Oaks 600TC Egyptian Cotton Basketweave Embroidered Six-Piece Sheet Set for our bed. Normally cost $71.00, I paid $15.00. I spent a total of $38.75 I saved a total of $283.25. Can you believe that?

I think I am going to hit up the auction site a few more times before now and Christmas. If I can get all my gifts there. I can save a ton and get some really nice things for everyone. This job may save my ass this holiday.

Who needs black Friday when I can have black Friday every Friday? lol πŸ˜€ I really do like my job.