
Stressed before work even starts

I am already feeling the stress of working a 40 hour a week job and I haven’t even started yet. I have been trying to work on getting everything around the house done so I don’t feel like I have to do that, work and go to school at the same time.

I am so scared I won’t be able to find a good balance between everything. I am loving the fact that I will have a paycheck every two weeks again. I am loving the fact that I won’t be stressed about money. I do hope that since Kyle is only working around 15 – 20 hours a week that he will pick up on the house work. But since I haven’t been working for a while he has got use to me doing it all and I think I might have spoiled him.

Kyle is a really good man and normally anything I ask he will do. I am hoping this will be a chance for us to grow as a couple and open a new chapter in our lives. We will be together 11 months tomorrow. I love him so much. He is wonderful about doing things and I hope I won’t have to ask, he will just do it. But it seems to be that most men don’t care to do stuff they just won’t do it without being asked. Does that make sense?

Anyway, I have been studying for a JavaScript test I have tomorrow. I am a little worried about it. I hate performance-based test. And two of my classes are like that this semester.

I think I am going to get a bite to eat before my shower. I already did my nails. It won’t be long before bed. I hope I will be able to sleep. I have class tomorrow 12-3:00 and work 3:30 – 12. Wish me luck!!


Nice things

We have nice things because we work hard and save money. And when get finally get enough money we buy what we want. I price check for weeks and I look every way in the world to save money. In doing so, we get good deals and there for have nice things. Why should we be sorry for this?

This blog entry comes about because of Kyle’s sister. I love her, really I do. I don’t say anything about it much but it does bother me. Every dime she gets she spends. And normally doesn’t have anything to show for it. Kyle and I got school money. We got enough back from grants that we was able to buy him a new Jeep (year 2000) but new to us. 😀 A new TV for our living room and a bed frame. We shopped wisely and doing so saved a lot of money. We all three got school money at the same time. She already has asked to borrow money. She works and her boyfriend works. Both make pretty good money, more then Kyle does. And we keep our bills paid but she is already asking to borrow money because she loaned hers out and spend it. WTF? I don’t think so.

Because you are money stupid doesn’t mean we are stupid too. Family or not, I don’t think so. :blah:

On the plus side, we got a new 4×4 Jeep this week, last week a new 55″ flat screen TV (thanks hhgreg sales) and a new bed frame. Over all been a good two weeks.


Putting stuff off

It’s not secret about how much I love calendars and organizers. I have a color for each bill date, for school projects and even birthdays and paydays. I am so silly about it. I have a Google Calendar, an organizer for school/bills and one just for my bedroom. 😀 Does that make me a dork? I am so scared I am going to forget a bill or something like that. As many places as I keep it written down you wouldn’t think I would but sometimes it happens. Normally it is either the trash bill or something like that. Nothing major like elector or water. Hehe. But I am sure I would if I didn’t have it all written down all the different places. I even have my Google Calendar synced with my phone. See where I am going with this.

But I don’t think I could live without these things. I have to have everything organized. I think it goes back to the way my mother did things, which is lets leave all the bills in the truck and let them stack up until I think I should pay them, not when they are due. She pays her bills but because she hoards them back they are always late. Normally she forgets the cable bill which has lead to them not even having cable anymore because she let it go so long. She always ends up paying more for things due to the fact she just won’t call to handle them. It’s a very ugly cycle. I hate it.

Kyle says I’m bad about putting stuff off when it comes to calling about information. This is kind of true. I hate hate hate being on hold or waiting to talk to customer service. I think this is because I use to work customer service. I know how the people feel on the other end of the phone. Which makes me be way nicer and sometimes not being rude when it calls for it. Being rude is normally the only way some companies will get done what you need to get done. You know? I hate to say that too.


Warm & Fuzzy Feelings

3x Thurs­day — Warm & Fuzzy Feelings: List and describe 3 things that make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

  1. Kyle – He takes my breath away and makes me happier then. . .well, anything I can think of.
  2. Cammie – Getting to see my best friend is totally the best thing.
  3. Food – I can’t help it. One of my favorite deadly sins.