
Consequences of misfortune

Acceptance of what has happened is the first step to overcoming the consequences of any misfortune.

Okay, last night early morning I stated I was going to blog about something that has been bothering me for a couple of weeks now. This being my ex Cody his mother Branda is dating a sex offender. This wouldn’t be nearly as bad if this sex offender wasn’t caught with “POSS W/INT TO PROMOTE CHILD PORNOGRAPHY”. And to even add more fuel to the fire, Branda has known this whole time of dating him. (Over 3 years now) She has let this man around her children and her grandchild which isn’t even a year old yet. It get’s worse; this man had pictures of children as young as six and seven years old on his computer. I looked over all the court records I could find, which seems to be all of them and I am horrified about this. Not only because of lack of parenting skills, but also the fact she doesn’t seem to have a problem with this fact. She is okay with this. And to make it even creeper, she also dresses in “cute” outfits for him. Right now, her FB page has her dressed as a lollipop girl. Does she not see this feeds his problem? I can’t believe as a mother she doesn’t want to protect her children. Her response is this “If I thought you guys (her children) was in any danger I would have said something.” My point of view is, why even temp it. Why even let your children get influence by a man that has this past?

In the court documents it stated he sent pictures of these children to other people, with subject titles “This is me and my niece, Sky.” Within these pictures was a man having sex with a child/pre-teen/teenager. What is okay about this? He claims that he was trying to catch someone doing this. Why on earth would you send pictures like that to other people? He didn’t have one but 17 pictures of children ranging from the age of six or seven to teenagers, maybe the age of 15 or 16. This is a very sick man. It turns my stomach to knots thinking about this. To think I ate meals with this man, been to his house, him in my house. AND I was almost family with this man.

You have to be kidding me? That’s all I could say when I found all this out. I am still almost speechless about it. I know this information because I have remain friends with Carrie, Cody’s step-mother and his father. As a father Chris is out raged, because she had the nerve to try to fight for custody for those boys to live with her and that man. How on God’s green earth can you think that is okay? I am glad Chris is taking the steps to protect his children because she isn’t; it looks like. She thinks it is completely okay and can’t figure out why everyone is upset about it. Yet again, I am repeating myself, are you kidding me? I just can’t picture that being okay in any situation.

People never seem to surprise me. And the kids are mad at Chris and Carrie. I’m not even sure why. They said that it isn’t just causing trouble for Branda’s boyfriend but also her. Well, sometimes, you have to deal with the consequences of your actions. Her consequences for letting someone like that around her children and thinking it is okay might be losing her children forever. And I don’t see how that would be a problem at this point. I don’t see how that would be a bad thing.

Okay, I have a ton more to say but I might start repeating myself. Not sure how to end this but I hope for Chris and Carrie this can be settled like adults and not cause anymore problems then what it has but I don’t see that happening due to the fact, the children (Cody, Micki, Rowdy and Cortland) are so bad about blaming others for actions that themselves has done and not handling there own consequences and seeing both sides without being biased. Everyone in that family besides Chris and Carrie will stab someone in the back and take sweet to their face and because of this, they agree with Chris today and tomorrow their mother is right. I feel very sorry for this family. They will never grow as people because of this. They will be stuck in this ugly cycle.


More entries

As a result of me trying to blog more I have been scheduling more entries. Most of the entries that I am scheduling are picture memes but never the less they are entries about things I love or have something to do with. I am trying to blog at least every other day or so. I know, I really don’t have that much to say but really I do. Sometimes I fear about blogging due to someone finding my blog. I do have my real name on here and Google pulls my stuff very quickly now a days. Thanks Google. 😉

I have a couple things I am going to blog about shortly. Not tonight because well, I’m tired but I will leave you with a hint of it. The hint will be this; a post I made on Google+ tonight.

Someone’s status on facebook read “So tired of bitches in my life. F@#k off!” and my first thought was to type “Some bitches don’t need to date sex offender while children in the home.” But I didn’t because I don’t cause drama on Facebook. lol

Now I know you want to come back for more. Hahaha. <- That was suppose to be in a evil laugh. I'm just saying. BTW, I am normally not a drama queen but I do have a lot to say about this one subject that has to deal with this person and her family. Only because I was so close to being apart of this family. Does that make sense? Well, I am rambling and it’s 1am. I think my bed is calling my name, very soon.


Putting stuff off

It’s not secret about how much I love calendars and organizers. I have a color for each bill date, for school projects and even birthdays and paydays. I am so silly about it. I have a Google Calendar, an organizer for school/bills and one just for my bedroom. 😀 Does that make me a dork? I am so scared I am going to forget a bill or something like that. As many places as I keep it written down you wouldn’t think I would but sometimes it happens. Normally it is either the trash bill or something like that. Nothing major like elector or water. Hehe. But I am sure I would if I didn’t have it all written down all the different places. I even have my Google Calendar synced with my phone. See where I am going with this.

But I don’t think I could live without these things. I have to have everything organized. I think it goes back to the way my mother did things, which is lets leave all the bills in the truck and let them stack up until I think I should pay them, not when they are due. She pays her bills but because she hoards them back they are always late. Normally she forgets the cable bill which has lead to them not even having cable anymore because she let it go so long. She always ends up paying more for things due to the fact she just won’t call to handle them. It’s a very ugly cycle. I hate it.

Kyle says I’m bad about putting stuff off when it comes to calling about information. This is kind of true. I hate hate hate being on hold or waiting to talk to customer service. I think this is because I use to work customer service. I know how the people feel on the other end of the phone. Which makes me be way nicer and sometimes not being rude when it calls for it. Being rude is normally the only way some companies will get done what you need to get done. You know? I hate to say that too.


I am a better person because you weren’t

Tonight the ex sent me a thank you text message for returning the last of his stuff to him. (It’s only been over a year since we broke up.) I bagged it up and gave it to his father. What I really wanted to do with it, was burn it and leave the ashes on his door step like he did mine during our first break up but I am a believer in karma. So, I did the right thing.

Does it still make me a bad person for thinking that? Or wanting to do that still?

He will remain a piece of shit for what he did to me. He left me used and broken. Tried to play me for a fool and I still was going to give him another chance. Something was wrong with me. . .and I see now what it was. He had me thinking I couldn’t live without him. His mistake. I could. I had a life before him and I will have a life after him.

I told someone the other day. Him cheating and leaving was the best thing he ever did for me. Why? Because it taught me that I can survive heartache like that. It taught me watch my step and don’t just give my heart away so easily. It changed me into a better person. It taught me more then I could ever put into words. And if he hadn’t left me. I would have never found Kyle.

Kyle is the most amazing, perfect other half if their ever was one. He has made me whole again and without him I would truly be lost. I am thankful everyday for him. I wouldn’t trade my past for anything. If I changed one thing, I wouldn’t be going to sleep every night in the arms of the man I love.

So, thank you Cody. Thank you for being a piece of shit and doing what you did. I truly mean that. I am grateful now for it. I am a better person because you weren’t.