I like wordpress

I like wordpress. It is going to be kind of hard to get use to it but I think I’m doing okay.

I’m tired as hell but can’t sleep. I need to add a few more hacks to this before anyone sees and I’m not to sure I have any idea what I’m doing. Yeah…. Sleep = Good. Most of the time. LMAO

I hate being female sometimes

I am not in a good mood. Sometimes I really hate being female. Lets leave it at that.

But anyway, I am trying to make some new layout themes. Kind of like what I have now, but different and new. I would take down these and add the new ones. I like the fact my site is skinned now. It took so long to get it to work. Now, after it finally works, I don’t want to take it down.

I worked on Plugitnow.Org so more today or last time. Can’t remember. I added a tag board, like mine and a theme to it. The theme was added a couple of days ago.

Our hammie babies all died but one. He/she is doing very good. One we couldn’t find and the other we found died. Very sad. I was very upset and so was Keith. Our first babies and only one lived. On the plus side, mom said Caroline (now 6) can have him/her. Which I am glad he/she is going to a place where Keith and I can visit. We would hate to sell our first baby.

Keith got payed today. We are going to Wal-Mart tonight to get a few things and plus I wanted a fish again. I miss having one. I had one at my mom and dads and now I want one again. And plus I hope having the fish tank in the bedroom will help having a white nose for Keith. We have had to keep a fan going the whole winter. Which sucks because I freeze. Damn fan!!

I also, want to change how my blog entries look. I am going to keep them the same but move a few things around. Go me. I am going to put the plugs on the bottom of the entry. Since I am finally getting a few. I also, want the plug in hack for B2 and the mood/music fill in hack. If anyone has these and wouldn’t mind helping me out. I would love you forever.

Dude, I Can Buy Porn Now…I’m 18!!

“You better sign this before I kick your ass!” –Kim to me about a Random Drug Testing for Teachers petition. on 11.12.03

I am so tired. I need to stop staying up late at night.

IT’S MY BIRTHDAY!!!! It was so funny. Today, Chris sung happy birthday to me in the style of Marilyn Monroe. It was great. He was all up in my nut and crackn’ it!! LMAO

Dude, I am so bored.

I am suppose to writing a paper right now over Random Drug Testing. But I am being lazy and just stop working. I only have another week before I have to turn it in. I am almost done with all of my papers. I have to have 5. I have two short stories, a personal narrative and two transaction writings (papers written outside of English). I can’t get out of High School without it. DAMN THINGS!!! : s t r e s s : I hate writing sometimes, yet I have a whole domain just for writing. 🙂 I love to write when it doesn’t have anything to do with school. LOL I guess I am odd like that.

Chris, guess what?


School Sucks

“…were all about the weed smoke and the kinky sex!” –koRn, children of the korn

I hate school. I swear!! It sucks so bad. School is out in less then 11 days and I can’t wait. I want it to be over so bad.

I have this one teacher. He teaches my U.S. History class and all he does is look at the girls with the big boobs (preps). I hate that. Because the “preppy” girls show him some boobs, they get to do whatever the fuck they want. What is up with that? I think that it is so WRONG!! But hey, what’s it matter to me. It’s not like I can do anything about it.

Anyway…..I have decided that everyone who makes a comment on my blog, I will plug them on the next entry. : ) Sounds good?

Right now, I’m thinking about adding a new poem. I just got to get it typed up. I need to work on a new layout but not to change this one but for in a few weeks. You know?

Busy & Lazy bum

Man, I have need to update this for a while, I just haven’t had the time. My bad! lmao

First off, Prom was great! First, we went to the mall and ate. Like all these preppy (sp?) kids kept looking at us so, I turned and waved at them and they turned back around real fast like nothing happen. I was like prove you guys wrong, we are BETTER then you!! lol

Then, we went to prom an hour late. By then a fight happen and two girls got kicked out. : ) Very funny!! Two of the girls I don’t like. So, that made it all that much better. =)

Then, around 9:45pm or so the DJ’s shit blows and we didn’t have music for an hour and a half. NOT fun at all. Everyone just sat around and talked. I was BORED out of my mind. Also, Everyone in my group found out that I’m a bitch if I don’t eat when I want to. I was being such an ass. It was great. lmao

Around 10:45 or a little bit later the music finally got turned back on, but most of the people had all ready left. But Candice and me got out on the dance floor just her and me and broke it down. It was fun. But before all that Chris, Candice, Kim, and Me go booty (sp?) together. Real fun!!! I loved it.

Kitten and I got to slow dance together. So, I was happy. We got to stay together for like 13 hours that night. The after prom party, which in reality was a lock in were you couldn’t go anywhere but this big room with games and a TV. Its like a big co-ed sleep over but with out sleeping. Well, some people slept but not many. I slept all day Sunday. And went to bed early Sunday night as well and still slept all night.

I will write more later. I need to go work on some things. : )