
Wordless Wednesday: that look

Wordless Wednesday: new kitchen island

Time where did it go
It’s been a while since I last updated. I’ve been wanting to update but who has the time. I mean, I guess I have had the time. Over all I just felt like I haven’t.
My in-laws moved back from Florida this past November and had been staying with us until this past week when they got their own place. It just took them a little longer than they wanted to find the right one. Then like normal I have Meadow every weekend. I keep Zoe (my friend’s little girl, she’s 6 years old) every day, well, I put her on the bus, get her off the bus and do all homework every day. Sometimes, have her more often then that.
Plus, I coupon still. I have also started cleaning Kyle’s grandmother apartment once a month and cleaning for my grandmother about 2 – 3 times monthly and I have to do all grocery shopping for my grandmother since my step-grandfather got sick. It makes it hard to have time management skills, if you don’t have time to manage. I also still have to keep up with our normal house stuff and animals and what not. It makes normal living hard when you have so many people pulling on you each way.
We are still trying to have a baby, which we know we still have to do IVF. We hope to start that this spring. Money is always playing the biggest part in that. We have been working on paying off credit debit and improving credit scores and what not. Plus, trying to improve our home a little at a time. Which isn’t easy nor cheap. It all takes time. . .which feels like we don’t have.
I turn 30 this year and I feel like the clock is just ticking away. I feel the clock just ticking louder and louder. Which I hate. The joys of beating teen pregnancy, and 20 something pregnancy. I just don’t know if I can handle turning 30 and being childless. We are suppose to have our family now. We did everything right. We work, we pay bills, we got the house, we got married. We have the “american” dream. Why can’t we have this? Why does my bank account decide if we can try to have kids?
It feels like every meth-head around me is having baby after baby. Every unemployed mother/father living off the government can have a baby but because we do the right thing and my body, my husband’s body (we are the 20% that infertility effects both people) can’t do the one thing it is suppose to do we can’t get help. How is that fair? The government will pay for WIC, food stamps and medical care for all these people, but won’t help me become pregnant. Or help pay half the bill, anything at this point would help. It just doesn’t seem fair. Maybe if I had been irresponsible as a teen or as a young adult it would be different, I could have 2 or 3 kids with as many baby-daddies and let them pay the bill. But at last, I did the right thing, waited till I was married, ready to have kids. And then, I feel like it’s now almost to late. Which I know is silly, women now have kids almost to 40. Just feels silly sometimes. Hurtful somehow.

I have been trying my hands at couponing for the last month of so. I have been doing pretty good. The main key is to use your coupons when stuff is on sale. And the great thing about our local Kroger’s is that they double any coupon up to $0.50. Which is nice when you have items on sale for a $1.00 and you have a $0.50 off coupon. Between sales and coupons I have saved up to 50% on my tickets or a little more depending.
This past weekend Purex was on sale at Walgreens for 2/$6.00. If you bought that, when you checked out it printed out a $2.00 off Purex coupon. Which I turned around and used again. I also, had $5.00 in Walgreen points I could use on a purchase. I had a coupon for shaving cream which was on sale as well for $1.29 with a $0.50 coupon. Two bottles of Purex and a bottle of shaving cream cost me $0.23 out of pocket. I can’t beat that. I’m no “extreme couponer” but I can do enough that it does save us money.
I do have the time to cut coupons and I normally buy two Sunday newspapers and my grandmother gives me her coupons out of her newspapers each week. That being said, I spend around $4.00 a week on coupons. But I save more than that just with one purchase if I use my coupons right.
If anyone else does couponing, please feel free to leave a comment on how you do it or how much you save. I am enjoying learning and seeing how others do their couponing.