Taste testing Marker’s Mark.
Taste testing Marker’s Mark.
White Sands
Last week my Cammie came down for a mini-vacation. I was so nice. We went a little bit of every where in Kentucky and I enjoyed every last minute of it. I needed it so bad. Being broke isn’t my favorite thing to be and hear lately I have been. We have had just enough money to pay bills and gas for Kyle to get back and forth to work. I am just happy she came down and so thankful for her. Without her being my bestest friend in the whole world. I just don’t know what I would do.
I am going to fly tomorrow for the first time ever in my life. I am going to New York to visit my friend. She came down here in May. I am so excited. 😀 I can not wait. I am scared too. I will be gone from Saturday to Saturday.
Wish me luck. I will post about the trip during or after I get back. Much love.
I am not dead. Promise.
I have been busying doing nothing. . .hints no blogs. 😀
I am leaving for a mini-vacation tomorrow morning with the family. We are going to Holiday World for two days then the last day we are going to the Zoo and the Slugger Museum. Looking forward to being with my family.
Last week my AC went out, I had one wisdom tooth pulled and one filling redone. This past Friday I had my other wisdom tooth pulled and one filling done. All my dental work is done for a while.
My parents had a small window unit to that I could use. So, now Mr. Kitty and I are living out of my bedroom. I guess it could be worse. lol
Also, my job at the county clerk office is coming to a end. Ran out of money. But I do have a job interview today for one of the departments at WKU. 😀 Looking forward to it.
I also start school on August 16th. I almost have everything ready. All I lack is a backpack. Going to get it at the book store when I go get my books.
That has been my month summed up for you. Enjoy leave comments. I promise to comment back. Much love