Like always

I’m not feeling to good right now. I got so sick last night. I believe I’m doing better now then I was. I know I’m tired and I’m very glad I’m off today and tomorrow. I have got called in every day this week and now they had to move my days around to make up for all the hours I did work. ๐Ÿ˜›

I’m not sure if I have said it or not but I got a new hammie. So cute, her name is Little Kim. She is all black but on her feet and tummy she is white. I laugh every time I say her name. Keith helped me name her. As soon as Keith gives me my camera batteries back I will take some pictures but until then my camera is dead.

Anyway, I need to get off here and clean house. BTW, I did put up a new layout. You like?

15 thoughts on “Like always

  1. Hey there! I like the colours of the new layout! I hope you feel better soon! I hate being sick :/ I’m assuming by hammie you mean hampster? Hampsters are so cute! She sounds adorable! Ah well, take care!

  2. Well, I do hope you feel better =) Thankfully you got those days off to relax and let your body heal. I hate getting sick and having to miss work. Its no fun at all.

    Congrats on the new hamster! I love her name =)


  3. I hope you’re feeling better soon. I’ve been sick off and on for the past three weeks, it’s definitely the change in weather. It’s not fun.

  4. That sucks that you were sick. I hate getting sick. I want a hamster so bad, they are adorable! I love the name you chose, too, lol!

  5. I know how you feel. I have been sick for the past 5 weeks. First, it was my chronic bronchitis acting up, now my back is completely sore, and I feel so hungry and so full at the same time. I hope you feel better.

  6. Ahh the layout is so cute! I love the color scheme you chose! Make me want to make a new layout for my site.

    Can’t wait to see pics of the new hamster!

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Like Always

I’m not feeling to good right now. I got so sick last night. I believe I’m doing better now then I was. I know I’m tired and I’m very glad I’m off today and tomorrow. I have got called in every day this week and now they had to move my days around to make up for all the hours I did work. ๐Ÿ˜›

I’m not sure if I have said it or not but I got a new hammie. So cute, her name is Little Kim. She is all black but on her feet and tummy she is white. I laugh every time I say her name. Keith helped me name her. As soon as Keith gives me my camera batteries back I will take some pictures but until then my camera is dead.

Anyway, I need to get off here and clean house. BTW, I did put up a new layout. You like?