
On a better note

Things I got done to things that still need to be done are kind of out weighing themselves out and I go back to work tomorrow. :/ Today (Dec 15th, I haven’t been to bed yet, so it still counts as today) was my husband’s birthday so I spent it with him, and we had two days off together so I just wanted to be around him since he works a lot of days and I work nights. I miss him so much. It’s the little things I miss. Like tonight, just falling a sleep in his lap. It was amazingly nice.

Things that got done on my past list:

  • Clean Office
  • Blog / sched­uled entries
  • Vac­uum
  • Make our bed Needs to be done all over again. lol
  • Wash and put way all clothes
  • Pick up liv­ing room
  • Start din­ner

Bad thing about that list is, that most of it needs to be done on a daily and I just don’t have enough time in the day to do it.

On a better note, Kyle and I get paid on the same night at the same time every two weeks. Makes paying bills a whole lot easier. I am pissed because I have paid everything that needs it and I was going to finally buy my second monitor for my computer. (I want duel screens to make working a little easier. My job has them and you never notice how much of a help it is when you are trying to multitask) but Wal-Mart won’t let me finish my damn order. Every time I try to login, it just shows the loading screen and then it won’t go to my cart and keeps repeating the cycle and then it won’t load a style sheet. Just really random shit. . . .Finally after 15 minutes of it doing that my order is placed. I know I shouldn’t have spent the money but I am getting paid for a web project that I’m working on and also for dog/house sitting for a friend while her and her family are gone for the holidays. Between those two extra “jobs” I can get it and have extra money left over.

Well, I guess since I have paid the bills and ordered myself something, it is time to head to bed. Kyle has to be up for work at 4am and I want to sleep next to him for a couple of hours before he heads out.


Wanted to do so much

I wanted to do so much tonight but I don’t see it getting done. I have this long list of things I am dying to get done around the house.

  • Clean Office
  • Blog / scheduled entries
  • Vacuum
  • Make our bed
  • Wash and put way all clothes
  • Pick up living room
  • Start dinner

A few of these I can do while doing others. For say I can wash clothes while I start dinner. I can make the bed, then put clothes a way while dinner is finishing. See, I can double up. I know I won’t get it all done but I will get started. And by doing so I have to get off my wonderful computer and do it. . .but first I must put my iPod playlist on! Music makes everything okay!