The life of a house wife

I swear it feels like for two days I have done nothing but cleaning. If it hasn’t been one thing it has been another. :yuck: I don’t want to do anymore for the rest of the night but I have to. We have to have clean dishes. :lmao: Keith is finally feeling better. I am so glad. I don’t think I could handle him being sick anymore. He felt so bad.

I put up a new layout. :yay: What do you guys think? I love it. The colors are so bright but not hard on the eyes. I have fell in love all over again. *giggles*

Our baby hamsters are doing well. I still can’t get a good shot of them. I’m hoping I can when they start walking around. πŸ™‚ I have seen them though. They are all looking black or dark colored. :aww: So, cute! I promise once I get a good shot I will post.

I just downloaded a new messager from called Hello. It’s more for sending pictures and stuff back and forth but I’m not sure how to use it because I don’t know anyone using it. If you use it and would like to chat with me my user name is crazytalkdotorg. πŸ™‚

Do you know how fast cable internet is?

We had the cable internet hooked up today. YAY! :hearts: I’m in love. LOL I can’t believe how much faster it is. I was used to shitty :poo: dial-up. Today I got up around 11:30am and waited till 12:45pm or so before the cable guy came. I was so glad to see that man. I mean, come on, he came bearing internet. Finally around 1:15 or so it was done. Yes! No more dial-up for Rainbow.

I have been working on this layout for the past day or so. I kept working on different layouts and then deleting them after about 10 minutes of working on them. I finally started working on this one and fell in love. I really love the colors. Something different from the normal blue or purple everyone is use to here. πŸ™‚

We find out Friday if Cookie can stay with us. See, our land lord doesn’t own the building we live in. He is only running it for someone else and he has to ask the guy that owns the apartments if we can. He said far as he cares its fine but he must ask the other guy. *crosses fingers* I hope. :looksleft:

Well, I guess I am off for a while. I want to work on my blanket I am crocheting for Judy for either her birthday or her yule gift. :giftbox: It just depends on when I get it done. I have maybe 1/4 done but it is coming a long well. It is done in rainbow yarn.

Quick post.

We are going to go look at some apartments today since he is off work. Wish us luck. *crosses fingers* πŸ˜‰

He is wanting to go. WOW. This is a short post. I thought it would be longer then this but I guess not. Damn!

BTW, Nathan decided not to move in with us. He has a buddy that has a house already paid for and all he would have to do is help pay on utilities. So, that is the smart plan for him. I’m glad for him but either way Keith and I want a bigger place.

Well, I’m off. I need to get something to eat real fast and we are off.

I’m not a dummie!

Some of you guys asked if the book was well written and it is. It starts out simple but the way it is written you don’t have to read it from front to back to understand what’s going on. I have really learned a lot from it. YAY! I looked on the back and realized that if I had bought it in stores it would have cost at least $24.99. DAMN! That is a lot of money. That’s the reason I love on line shopping. πŸ˜€

Keith and I haven’t done much today. We went and payed the rent today after he got off work and that’s about it. Nothing real exciting. We came home watched a little TV and he went to bed.

Oh the plus side, I got a phone call from an old friend that I hadn’t talked to in a while, Jennifer. I was really happy about hearing from her. I missed talking to her. YAY for Jenni! πŸ™‚ I also talked to my friend Christina earlier. It has been a good day to talk on the phone.

I think this weekend we are going out Saturday with my mom and dad to Red Lobster. Yum. I haven’t been to Red Lobster since at least my 18th birthday. I can’t wait. :yummy:

I hate being female sometimes

I am not in a good mood. Sometimes I really hate being female. Lets leave it at that.

But anyway, I am trying to make some new layout themes. Kind of like what I have now, but different and new. I would take down these and add the new ones. I like the fact my site is skinned now. It took so long to get it to work. Now, after it finally works, I don’t want to take it down.

I worked on Plugitnow.Org so more today or last time. Can’t remember. I added a tag board, like mine and a theme to it. The theme was added a couple of days ago.

Our hammie babies all died but one. He/she is doing very good. One we couldn’t find and the other we found died. Very sad. I was very upset and so was Keith. Our first babies and only one lived. On the plus side, mom said Caroline (now 6) can have him/her. Which I am glad he/she is going to a place where Keith and I can visit. We would hate to sell our first baby.

Keith got payed today. We are going to Wal-Mart tonight to get a few things and plus I wanted a fish again. I miss having one. I had one at my mom and dads and now I want one again. And plus I hope having the fish tank in the bedroom will help having a white nose for Keith. We have had to keep a fan going the whole winter. Which sucks because I freeze. Damn fan!!

I also, want to change how my blog entries look. I am going to keep them the same but move a few things around. Go me. I am going to put the plugs on the bottom of the entry. Since I am finally getting a few. I also, want the plug in hack for B2 and the mood/music fill in hack. If anyone has these and wouldn’t mind helping me out. I would love you forever.