
I guess I just summed it up

I am not dead. Promise.

I have been busying doing nothing. . .hints no blogs. πŸ˜€

I am leaving for a mini-vacation tomorrow morning with the family. We are going to Holiday World for two days then the last day we are going to the Zoo and the Slugger Museum. Looking forward to being with my family.

Last week my AC went out, I had one wisdom tooth pulled and one filling redone. This past Friday I had my other wisdom tooth pulled and one filling done. All my dental work is done for a while.

My parents had a small window unit to that I could use. So, now Mr. Kitty and I are living out of my bedroom. I guess it could be worse. lol

Also, my job at the county clerk office is coming to a end. Ran out of money. But I do have a job interview today for one of the departments at WKU. πŸ˜€ Looking forward to it.

I also start school on August 16th. I almost have everything ready. All I lack is a backpack. Going to get it at the book store when I go get my books.

That has been my month summed up for you. Enjoy leave comments. I promise to comment back. Much love


Classes for fall

I did register for classes a little over a week ago. I’m pretty happy about my weekly schedule. I will be only going to class on Monday and Wednesday. That means, I can still work 3 days a week. πŸ™‚ Also, I have only on Mondays a three hour block before my last class, so I can do homework and do my work for my online class.

My classes are:

  • Intro to Computers (Which is required but I don’t need it. Should pass this super easy.)
  • Computer Software Maintenance
  • Computer Hardware Maintenance
  • Web Page Development

It feels like I am going to have some pretty easy classes this semester and on top of that they are feel like I can keep up. I won’t know until I have class and get to know my teachers but I am super excited.

On the plus side I just bought my laptop in February, so I at least have a good laptop for school. I am getting back a large sum of money so I can have living money. I think over all everything is going to be okay. Well, I hope so.

Let me rephrase that, in this area of my life everything seems to be okay.


Registering for classes

I am registering for classes tomorrow for college. I can’t believe it. I am finally getting it all together. I will start in August. I have almost $5,000 in financial aid. My classes should cost only around $1,500 for my first semester and I am guessing around $500 in books. I hope less but I’m not sure since I won’t know what classes until tomorrow. And I won’t know what books I need until about two weeks before class. The amazing thing about my financial aid is I don’t have to pay any of it back. I got all grants. Amazing!! πŸ™‚

I hope to get back almost $3,000. Which will be nice, since I plan on dropping my hours at work to make sure I have enough time for school. I will get that for two semesters until I fill my financial aid out again during tax time. I am guess I will keep getting grants since I am a low income house hold.

I am going to school to do what I love Web development. I am really surprised when I did the COMPASS test, which is a placement test I did as well as I did. I am not a test taker. On reading, I got a 93 out of a 100. Which is equal to 20+ on the ACT, a 70 in English, which is equal to 18+ on the ACT test and my Math skills was in the lower half I can’t remember it. I have to take a pre-college math class, which is okay with me. Just because I haven’t been in school in 6 years and the idea of going into classes with some idea of what I am doing is better then not knowing anything when I get there. So, the pre-class is okay with me. lol

I am so scared and happy at the same time. I am looking so forward in starting this new chapter of my life.


Finally something

good happens. I mean, really nothing that bad has been going on but I am in a super good mood. I finally got another thing done on my big to do list. I reorganized my desk because I finally got a new one. I am giving my old one to Rowdy (Cody’s little brother). I needed something to hold up. This one is an L shaped glass and metal. I will upload pictures in the next few days. I am so happy. My office finally looks like an office, not a room that happens to have a computer in it. I have some before, before pictures. Then I have some before pictures from a couple of days ago before I got my desk. The before, before pictures is when we first moved in. It was so bad.

I work tomorrow. Tuesday is going to be a kind of a busy day. I plan on going to BG, were I have to get my AC “juiced up” and then I have to get two new tires and then all four balanced so I can drive to MO by myself safely. I am scared about that part.

And then I have to go talk to BGTC about my COMPASS test and see if I have to get anything besides my transcript to them. I’m not too worried about the COMPASS test because even if I do poorly on it, which I don’t think I will but if I do. I just have to take some pre-college classes. Since my ACT scores don’t count anymore. It’s only been 6 years since I was in high school. Crazy talk.

I am now off track about what I wanted to blog about because Cody called and I got busy booking a hotel for the night I pick Cody up. We are going to hang out with a couple in St. Louis. One of Cody’s army buddies (he trained with at Basic/AIT.) and his buddy’s wife, I hope to talk Cody into taking me to St. Louis zoo since I haven’t been in years.


What started out

to be a good day, ended not so good. Thursdays are not my day. I went to work, everything went well. It was pay day. Which is always a good thing. I went and got pizza for me and my dad. He help me bring the two trash cans around to the front of the trailer and place them up at the top of the drive way for pick up. I had cleaned all night Wednesday. Trying to get my BIG to do list done.

I had started the office. Which is on my to do list as well. Dad had taken around all my storage totes and placed them in my building out back. I really thought it was going good. I clean up part of my yard yesterday before I went to get this awesome computer desk that was given to me.

Mom and I picked it up. Stop by got my dad so he could help move it in to the trailer. Didn’t work out. We ended up breaking it before we could even get it half way in to the office. We tried everything. I haven’t felt this defeated in a long time. This was the next step in making my office in to a guess room / office. I wanted the corner desk so I could place a small bed in there as well. The bed would really help since my nieces and Cody’s little brothers spend the night often.

I just cried. Which is really stupid once I sat down and thought about it but I was so upset. I just wanted this to work so bad. I could finally have a nice desk to use. My desk I have now is so beat up. No, I hadn’t had it very long but I moved three times since I had it. And it now is very wobbly and I want a good desk. Something to hold up to my normal everyday life, plus kids, plus two cats. I don’t think I am asking for to much. Probably am. *sad face* πŸ™

Anyway, I hope to still be getting myself a new desk in the next week or so. I really want to clean my office. Get my shit together because coming this fall I will be starting college. Just have one more thing I need to do before I can register for classes. I can’t wait. So, in return I really need a nice area to study and do home work. πŸ™‚ I am so happy about that, at least.

Maybe this Saturday or Sunday I can go and get one. Dad said he would put it together in the office, so we wouldn’t have to worry about it being moved or placed anywhere else because Cody and I plan on staying in this trailer for a few more years anyway. Since it is paid for.