I finally got a call back from ShopNBC offering me hours and pay that I could expect. I go to school Monday thru Thursday. And two of those days I don’t get out until 3 or later. So I needed something after that. They called me this morning offered me a job for Order Capture. Which is great, normally people aren’t angry when ordering stuff. And it’s full time. 40 hours a week and benefits. Which is amazing. I really wanted part time while I go to school full time but we could always use the money and full time means good money, and good money means we are closer to buying a house. 😀
I just wanted to update on the great news. I am super happy about it. After hearing that our new Jeep we just got needs a new transmission. About $1,600 to fix. Good thing we have savings but it sucks because we won’t after we fix that.
I hope to save money like crazy working but I know once you get a little money something happens. Well, that’s my luck anyway.