
Finally real work

I finally got a call back from ShopNBC offering me hours and pay that I could expect. I go to school Monday thru Thursday. And two of those days I don’t get out until 3 or later. So I needed something after that. They called me this morning offered me a job for Order Capture. Which is great, normally people aren’t angry when ordering stuff. And it’s full time. 40 hours a week and benefits. Which is amazing. I really wanted part time while I go to school full time but we could always use the money and full time means good money, and good money means we are closer to buying a house. 😀

I just wanted to update on the great news. I am super happy about it. After hearing that our new Jeep we just got needs a new transmission. About $1,600 to fix. Good thing we have savings but it sucks because we won’t after we fix that.

I hope to save money like crazy working but I know once you get a little money something happens. Well, that’s my luck anyway.


Little issues

Last night was terrible. I could not sleep to save my life. I was tired but just couldn’t sleep. I hate when that happens. I don’t think it was the Coke I drank because that had been with dinner and after that I drank water. I don’t know but it sure made it hard to get up today.

I have a few things today today around the house before I go to my grandmother’s house. I must do dishes, littler box and trash. I might also make my bed, because that always makes me feel better. Something about walking into a room with a fresh made bed, always makes me smile. 😀

Today was Kyle’s payday so I am paying bills this afternoon while he is at work. That way we know how much we have to work with for gas this next two weeks. We have school starting this coming week and he has to go back and forth to work. The downside is that the van Kyle was driving died. So, we are not a one car family which makes this really hard. But on the plus side, Kyle’s step-dad does live in BG where we go to school and Kyle works. That means I can hang at his house until Kyle gets done with work. It is going to be hard but we are looking at new cars. We only have around 3 weeks until we get our school money. They we can fix this little issue. I just hope that all the jobs I have applied for waits until I can get back and forward.

[Edit at 4:55pm] Today has turned out better then my night. I got all my house cleaning done. All bills paid that needed it. We are even going to do the yard tonight when Kyle gets home. All in all not a bad day. 🙂

PS: I added the “like button” back to the side of the entries, Cammie. I hope that makes you a little happier!!



Today is one of those days where not one thing is really going right. My car has failed me this morning. Not sure what’s wrong with it. It has been not starting randomly and Kyle’s car is just stupid. Something about the key that starts it won’t if it isn’t just right. Car fails.

Anyway, I am going to eat lunch with my baby!


Finally something

good happens. I mean, really nothing that bad has been going on but I am in a super good mood. I finally got another thing done on my big to do list. I reorganized my desk because I finally got a new one. I am giving my old one to Rowdy (Cody’s little brother). I needed something to hold up. This one is an L shaped glass and metal. I will upload pictures in the next few days. I am so happy. My office finally looks like an office, not a room that happens to have a computer in it. I have some before, before pictures. Then I have some before pictures from a couple of days ago before I got my desk. The before, before pictures is when we first moved in. It was so bad.

I work tomorrow. Tuesday is going to be a kind of a busy day. I plan on going to BG, were I have to get my AC “juiced up” and then I have to get two new tires and then all four balanced so I can drive to MO by myself safely. I am scared about that part.

And then I have to go talk to BGTC about my COMPASS test and see if I have to get anything besides my transcript to them. I’m not too worried about the COMPASS test because even if I do poorly on it, which I don’t think I will but if I do. I just have to take some pre-college classes. Since my ACT scores don’t count anymore. It’s only been 6 years since I was in high school. Crazy talk.

I am now off track about what I wanted to blog about because Cody called and I got busy booking a hotel for the night I pick Cody up. We are going to hang out with a couple in St. Louis. One of Cody’s army buddies (he trained with at Basic/AIT.) and his buddy’s wife, I hope to talk Cody into taking me to St. Louis zoo since I haven’t been in years.


Lets recap what has happen this month. It has been a very wonderful and very horrible month so far. Well, year. At the first start of the month I got to meet my best friend of almost 9 years for the first time. Then at the end of the month I got my car broken in to for the 3rd time in seven months. Their has been a horrible ice storm this week that has knocked out cell towers, power in a lot of areas and most land lines are messed up. Great plus. NOT.

I hope the rest of the year or at least even the up coming month is going to be better. It has to look up, right? Right? Come one. Please.