Can’t let the house be broken!!!
Can’t let the house be broken!!!
I am already loving working at ShopNBC. Everything that is seen on TV can’t be sold to customers, since it has been “used” on TV. There for they have an “ebay” style auctions for employees to bid on items. I had known about the auctions since my first week but didn’t really have the money to buy anything so I just didn’t look. Tonight I had a little extra money and I looked and bought.
First a Grand Suites 300TC Silk & Cotton Jacquard Seven-Piece Duvet & Sheet Set which is normally $197.00, I got it for . . . $18.75. That’s right! I can’t wait to get some nice sheet sets. 🙂 I got a Suzanne Somers Coral-Colored Rose Ring for Caroline as a Christmas gift normally $54.00, I got it for . . . $5.00. Then I got another Dream Oaks 600TC Egyptian Cotton Basketweave Embroidered Six-Piece Sheet Set for our bed. Normally cost $71.00, I paid $15.00. I spent a total of $38.75 I saved a total of $283.25. Can you believe that?
I think I am going to hit up the auction site a few more times before now and Christmas. If I can get all my gifts there. I can save a ton and get some really nice things for everyone. This job may save my ass this holiday.
Who needs black Friday when I can have black Friday every Friday? lol 😀 I really do like my job.
I am already feeling the stress of working a 40 hour a week job and I haven’t even started yet. I have been trying to work on getting everything around the house done so I don’t feel like I have to do that, work and go to school at the same time.
I am so scared I won’t be able to find a good balance between everything. I am loving the fact that I will have a paycheck every two weeks again. I am loving the fact that I won’t be stressed about money. I do hope that since Kyle is only working around 15 – 20 hours a week that he will pick up on the house work. But since I haven’t been working for a while he has got use to me doing it all and I think I might have spoiled him.
Kyle is a really good man and normally anything I ask he will do. I am hoping this will be a chance for us to grow as a couple and open a new chapter in our lives. We will be together 11 months tomorrow. I love him so much. He is wonderful about doing things and I hope I won’t have to ask, he will just do it. But it seems to be that most men don’t care to do stuff they just won’t do it without being asked. Does that make sense?
Anyway, I have been studying for a JavaScript test I have tomorrow. I am a little worried about it. I hate performance-based test. And two of my classes are like that this semester.
I think I am going to get a bite to eat before my shower. I already did my nails. It won’t be long before bed. I hope I will be able to sleep. I have class tomorrow 12-3:00 and work 3:30 – 12. Wish me luck!!
Simply a sunset. Pretty oranges and yellows. Taken at my parents house.
I finally got a call back from ShopNBC offering me hours and pay that I could expect. I go to school Monday thru Thursday. And two of those days I don’t get out until 3 or later. So I needed something after that. They called me this morning offered me a job for Order Capture. Which is great, normally people aren’t angry when ordering stuff. And it’s full time. 40 hours a week and benefits. Which is amazing. I really wanted part time while I go to school full time but we could always use the money and full time means good money, and good money means we are closer to buying a house. 😀
I just wanted to update on the great news. I am super happy about it. After hearing that our new Jeep we just got needs a new transmission. About $1,600 to fix. Good thing we have savings but it sucks because we won’t after we fix that.
I hope to save money like crazy working but I know once you get a little money something happens. Well, that’s my luck anyway.