Bring it on!
Bring it on!
I found my wedding dress. A simple but pretty dress. I can not wait for my birthday. Short but sweet blog entry. I am very tired. I have been studying for a JavaScript test and now I think I might even work on a layout. That is all.
I found my wedding dress. A simple but pretty dress. I can not wait for my birthday. Short but sweet blog entry. I am very tired. I have been studying for a JavaScript test and now I think I might even work on a layout. That is all.
I’m sitting here before class, a little bored but don’t want to play on FB anymore so I thought I would blog since I am trying to do this everyday.
I asked my grandma about having the wedding at her house. Just Me, Kyle, her and Wayne, Mom and Dad, and Cendy and Melvin. Which is all I truly want there besides Cammie but she can’t make it due to poor planing on my part. But never the less we are having it. I want it to be as simple as possible. I don’t want anything big. I don’t even want to dress up, is that bad?
I feel like crap I missed my Health Department appointment this morning and I really did need to go due to all the issues I have been having. But that is another day of blogging to explain all that.