We aren’t moving after all

We decided not to move after all. 😐 I am not happy about it but it really is the best for right now. I love the idea of moving and getting more space but it just isn’t possible right now. We are going to wait a few more months before we move. Save up so money :money: and so on.

Keith is going to talk to our current land lord about keeping Cookie here. I want to so bad. Keith said he would offer more money for our rent if we could keep her here. He said he would add up to $30 on to our rent. I can’t believe he would do that for me. Keith loves me so much. :hearts: And I love him so much.

I plan on putting up a new layout soon and editing some of my pages. The way they look and so on. Well, I better get off to working on it. I don’t have that long before I have to be up. I am getting up around 8:30am or so. Yeah, I am going to be so tired. :yawn: But since Keith has been off work I haven’t been able to really work on my site or anything else for that matter. That is why I am doing it at night.

What I have done.

1. Add login page to script
2. Make thumbnails links (for script)
3. Pick up living room
4. Make new layout (I really hate this one)
5. Take pictures of sewing projects and upload them.
6. Take pictures of pet mice and upload them.

I got a couple things done. I’m hoping I will get the rest done in the next couple days. I don’t have many more to go. The ones on the list that are going to be the hardest to do are the ones dealing with the script. I am writing a PHP/MySQL script that shows recent photos uploaded and an archives page. I know it sounds easy but trust me, it isn’t. :yuck: But on the plus side I have found a new passion. Coding in php/mysql. I love writing scripts. I can’t wait till I’m done with this one so I can start on some more. I love writing HTML but PHP is so wonderful. You can do some many things with it. I’m in love. *giggles* πŸ™‚

I feel like such a dork but I know that my husband loves me anyway. I have such a passion for web design in general. I don’t think I go a day without typing something in code, whether it be a layout or a script or fixing CSS in a layout or anything random like that. I will not and can’t not change who I am.

I just woke Keith up for work. It is now Keith and Rainbow time. :heart:

For dummies?

That’s right I will admit it. I ordered and am reading a book for dummies. LOL I ordered PHP and MySQL for Dummies on Amazon.com for $8.02 that was for the book plus shipping. I thought that was a good price. And it is brand new. YAY! πŸ˜€ I have started reading it but haven’t got to coding yet. I think I will either start that tonight or tomorrow. Most likely tonight. I am very excited. :upsidedown:

Not much else to write about. I got up late today but that was okay. It felt good to sleep in a little. I sleep in kind of late normally but today was later then norm.

Keith’s off work today and tomorrow. Which at the rate I’m going. I might not ever get anymore work done. LOL That’s what I get for being married. *giggles* But that’s okay. I love my hubbie anyway.

I have a bad feeling about this

I decided for one reason or another to open Yahoo message a few moments ago and I guess the reason I did was because I was hoping Christina would be on it so I could talk to her but still the same I open it up and find that a user by the name nascarred08 has added me to their buddy list. Ummm . . . not many people have my yahoo messenger name and most people know to use my AIM name because I am most likely to be on there but this isn’t the point. My point is being that the only person I know that uses the words nascar, red, the number 8 and so on are Ronda and Tony (Chris’s mom and step-dad). I really don’t want to start anything with either one of them. I have left her, Tony and Chris alone. I have only talk to Chris once since the shit :poo: hit the fan and I am not about to start more. I want everything to end with her and Tony. I want the past to be the past. πŸ™

I hate the fact that I still have nightmares about Tony. The fact that I wake up almost screaming, in tears and holding on to Keith for dear life. I HATE THAT!! It isn’t fair to me to be scared of a man that I no long have to be around. I just hate even thinking about it.

I better get off that subject before I start to cry and I don’t want to do that. 😐 But anyway, I am just sitting here. I have a few projects to work on. I need to finish working on Chet’s side project on his site, I need to finish editing a few pages for Christina and I have to add an archives page to WP and finish making Jim (our tattoo guy) some business cards. I made me some today for Element Solutions. They look very nice. I was very proud of myself. *shows off big ego* :cute: Oh, yeah another thing I need to add to WP is the spell checker. I suck at spelling which most people that read my blog have noticed. LOL I can’t help it. 😳 I have always sucked at it.

Before I forget, thank you Amanda for willing to help me. I might be emailing you in a few days once I get my book in and start reading it. I would love to work with you. You are the PHP Queen. πŸ˜€ You rock my socks anyway. *hugs*

I guess I better go. I have a lot to do before bed. And Keith and I have a lot to do tomorrow. Go to H and R Block to get our taxes fixed, pick up his check, put it in the bank, go pay house phone bill and the electric bill and then after all that we have to go to Wal-Mart to get food and light bulbs. πŸ’‘ We have a very busy day a head of us and I don’t even fill like getting out :yuck: because it’s all rainy and stuff. Damn weather.

PS: Before I totally forget thank you for all the nice comments on my tattoo. I’m glad everyone likes it. πŸ˜€

YAY! I feel pretty good!

For one I can’t believe I got WP finally working the way I want it. Everyone was right. It just took time. And I turned my whole site over to PHP. OMG! πŸ˜€ I am so happy about that.

On to real life stuff. Keith and I got more ink the other night. YAY! We traded some video games we didn’t want anymore for ink. LOL I got my ankle worked on some more. Now I have a sun with Keith’s birthday in a bar code on the other side. It looks so good.

I have been very busy today and last night. I got all our paper work in order. We had a ton of bills and stuff like that just laying around every where. I labeled folders and put them in order. I also, picked up all the clothes. Put two baskets away and washed another basket full. I cleaned out Chewie’s cage (our teddy bear hammie) and tonight or tomorrow it is Eggs turn for the cleaning.

Well, I am off for now. I will try to update either tomorrow or the next.