

I have read that you can change Habari in to a tumblr style blog. Which if I can get it to do this; I will be super happy. Right now I am just trying to get everything moved over. Then I am going to edit code. Going to work on this tonight.

Short update. But whatever the case, I am going to be working on something besides WP.


  • Upgrade Habari, since I had an older version downloaded. (Check!)
  • Edit code to make a tumblr style blog
  • New layout
  • Release everything with Habari installed
  • Become even more awesome! (Check!)

I have become comfortably numb

Okay. Here I am another blog. Another move. This is a new year. Here is to a great start. Hopefully. I am releasing this site today, well more like tonight. I haven’t finished moving over all the entries and comments but I do have all of Decembers of 2009. I think all the comments for that month is updated but not sure yet. Going back over that once I have finished this entry.

I have moved back over from Chyrp to WordPress. A sad day. I still love Chyrp and if I have another project that Chyrp can handle I will use it but at this time. It did have to many bugs and not enough modes to really make me stay. I couldn’t use the scripts I wanted to nor could I really edit them enough to work with out trying to have two different layouts made. Crazy. But I am happy with WordPress at the moment. Will see how long that will last.

This morning Branda and Micki came over to see Cody for a bit just to kind of say their goodbyes. πŸ™ Which was good for Cody. His little brothers spent two nights with us. He has spent a lot of time with them. Tonight is Cody’s last night at the house. Tomorrow at 11am he leaves for basic and AIT. Which will be around 6 months he will be gone. I am super sad about it. Nothing I can do but wait. I love him so much. This will just make us stronger. It feels like the last month went by super fast and now the next 6 months will drag along because well, that is how it works. When you want time to hurry up, it goes even slower.

Then Wednesday I start my first day of work. I am so nervous about starting work again. I am sure I will do just fine but regardless I have to go. lol πŸ˜€ I think I will enjoy working again. Plus, it is day shift. Which will be amazing. Every job I have had in the past 5 years has been either mostly all nights or all nights.

I need to go return comments and go post comments on a few blogs. Trying to get my new URL out there. Time to go be busy. Plus, I am downloading some older movies so Cody and I can watch them and cuddle a bit before tomorrow. πŸ™


Oh, reseller. . .

I have been buying a reseller hosting account for sometime. Mainly because I have way to many domains not to. It’s truly cheaper on me. But when I started I didn’t have but a couple domains so I made each an account placed them on a package and so on. But the last couple of days I have been thinking. . .Why not move over everything to the hosting domain. And just park everything. No need to worry about each one’s bandwidth or package size.

Another thing I was thinking was maybe ofter free hosting. If you have your own domain. . .I know they are so many out there. Not sure yet on that one. But anyway. If you see any errors this is why.

Everything is being moved around.

Only have three, maybe 3 more domains to move. But so many databases that are not lining up. So, it is taking more time then normal. Hope to have it working soon enough. πŸ˜€


Chyrp, what to do with you?

I have talked about so many times before how much I really really like Chyrp. It’s simple, fast. Easy to include content. Easy to write pages. You can even edit blog entries right from the entry itself. A very nice feature. I can add anything from a quote, chat, link, photo or page with so much easy. It is so close to Tumblr. It is kind of scary but it an awesome good way. Since Tumblr is so slow.

But I have a hidden hate for Chyrp. The only reason if I do change would be this one thing. So simple. See Chyrp uses PHP and Twig to write their code. I hear this is to make it more secure. Which is most likely the case. But since this is the case. I can’t seem to include any php scripts into it. Which makes it hard for me as a personal web site owner.

I would like to use Rose’s simple blogroll script. This being said, I would love to use Jem’s Bellabuzz and maybe her Bellabook. I would also, like to use Hannah’s Domainish. Which all are awesome scripts that could really make my site start to come together a little more. Simple things I like and what.

I keep trying to talk and ask questions on Chyrp’s Support forums. They don’t really have the answers I need. And I don’t have enough PHP knowledge yet to know where to even start. They have a mode for Chyrp called Snippets. Which is suppose to allow you to add a very simple PHP file into a page or the theme. I don’t have any php that is simple enough to even use this feature.

I feel so lost about this. I love Chyrp. I would use Habari but I can only find a WP uploader and I can’t seem to get my Chyrp entries ported over. I would even settle for a RSS porter for Habari. I don’t mind re-tagging everything but I will not copy and paste all these entries over. Done that once before with WP. Not again. . .to much work. And I be damned if I am going to start over.