
My BIG to do list

I know everyone is tired of hearing me talk about how happy I am because I am sick of reading it myself, and it’s my blog. So, I thought I would write about things that has to get done or things that need to be done before Cody gets home. Here is to my big to do list. This includes online and offline.

Online stuff isn’t as important to get done but I would like for them to be done before Cody gets home since that means I can spend more time with him and not behind a computer. XD I guess I will break the list down from offline (Inside and outside) and online (projects and just wants).

This list is more for me to know what needs to be done and not really for you guys but you’re more than welcome to keep track. OMG, I am so sorry I am this boring. Here goes:

To Do List:

  • Offline:
    • Inside:
      • Organize office desk (check!)
      • Organize books on both book shelves
      • Organize bedroom closet
      • Organize all photos on my desktop/laptop to folders to make it easier to upload them (check!)
    • Outside:
      • Clean up where the building sits (check!)
      • Clean up back porch (check!) and under back porch
      • Clean up back yard (check!)
      • Clean up top of yard
      • Clean up under trailer
  • Online:
    • Finish making WT a new style (test run)
    • Upload new gallery script to Vibrantly to make it more of a gallery and less like a photoblog.
    • Add some new features to here (check!)
    • Change Crazy Talks layout
    • Do something with Muffin Queen, maybe a photoblog

This list totally makes me sound like I have the worst outside living area ever, but really it’s small things that has been put off for to long. It all has to be done in sections which makes it sound a lot bigger but maybe I can get some help from Cody’s little brothers.



I have read that you can change Habari in to a tumblr style blog. Which if I can get it to do this; I will be super happy. Right now I am just trying to get everything moved over. Then I am going to edit code. Going to work on this tonight.

Short update. But whatever the case, I am going to be working on something besides WP.


  • Upgrade Habari, since I had an older version downloaded. (Check!)
  • Edit code to make a tumblr style blog
  • New layout
  • Release everything with Habari installed
  • Become even more awesome! (Check!)

CMS / blog systems

I have been trying out some great blog systems lately trying to find the right one. I wanted to find a great CMS for me that would be easy to custom and easy to write pages/entries. I want little features because I don’t use them. I wanted some basic features, such as theme switching in admin, gravatar and tags/categories. The list goes:

Chyrp: Which I am using now. I love. It is tumblr style blogging system. I like it because it is so simple and does what I want. Easy to design.

Frog: Is a simple blogging system that kind of reminds me of Chyrp with a little less features. If you want to post entries and pages. Then you might like it but it didn’t seem easy enough for me to style.

Pixie: Yet another simple blogging system. Was a little easier to work with then frog but still hard to style. Maybe if I had played with a little longer I would have liked it.

WordPress: Everyone has used WP that has had a blog. I would use it for a client because it is so easy. I think WP tag line should be: “So easy even a cave man can do it!”. I’m not hating on WP users. I used it for years. Before that it’s little brother B2. WP has tons of features. Maybe to many for me. So, WP is for anyone that has access to a host. lol

ExpressionEngine: Seems as if it has tons of features but to many. I do like simple and felt heavy like WP. Great system to try.

Habari: I really like the simple but I won’t use it do to I can’t import my Chryp entries. It only has an importer for WP. Which is great if you have had a WP but not even a RSS importer. So sad. Great system.

Textpattern: Is another great system. Had a lot of features but maybe to many again. I liked it but styling was a bit more then I wanted.

I had tried out more but I had already deleted them so I can’t really post about them. Since I can’t even remember which ones I had played with at this point after so many.

So, in the end I have decided to stick with Chyrp. 🙂 Simple, light weight, and easy to style. Over all a great system and can’t wait for more features to come or get updated.


Beam me up taco

Huh? Yeah, I know odd title. I seen this very odd youtube video when a taco beaming up stick guys. Totally funny! 🙂 I have a couple ideas for layouts. I need to work on my portfolio layout and get it up. I keep putting that off and I don’t need too.

I need to install Chyrp 2.1 for Cammie on Cammie.Me. I tried out a few different blog/cms over the weekend. Of course, WordPress, then ExpressionEngine 1.6.8, Harbi, Frog, Textpattern and I have been playing around with Chyrp for a few months. I think at this time I am sticking with Chyrp. Maybe Harbi for Cammie but not sure. We will need to talk about it.

Almost time for The Simpsons and Family Guy. :yay:

EDIT: Harbi just released a new version. Going to go play with it. Maybe I will like it. Not sure. . . 🙂