
11.12.11 it begins

I’m sitting here before class, a little bored but don’t want to play on FB anymore so I thought I would blog since I am trying to do this everyday.

I asked my grandma about having the wedding at her house. Just Me, Kyle, her and Wayne, Mom and Dad, and Cendy and Melvin. Which is all I truly want there besides Cammie but she can’t make it due to poor planing on my part. But never the less we are having it. I want it to be as simple as possible. I don’t want anything big. I don’t even want to dress up, is that bad?

I feel like crap I missed my Health Department appointment this morning and I really did need to go due to all the issues I have been having. But that is another day of blogging to explain all that.


Little issues

Last night was terrible. I could not sleep to save my life. I was tired but just couldn’t sleep. I hate when that happens. I don’t think it was the Coke I drank because that had been with dinner and after that I drank water. I don’t know but it sure made it hard to get up today.

I have a few things today today around the house before I go to my grandmother’s house. I must do dishes, littler box and trash. I might also make my bed, because that always makes me feel better. Something about walking into a room with a fresh made bed, always makes me smile. 😀

Today was Kyle’s payday so I am paying bills this afternoon while he is at work. That way we know how much we have to work with for gas this next two weeks. We have school starting this coming week and he has to go back and forth to work. The downside is that the van Kyle was driving died. So, we are not a one car family which makes this really hard. But on the plus side, Kyle’s step-dad does live in BG where we go to school and Kyle works. That means I can hang at his house until Kyle gets done with work. It is going to be hard but we are looking at new cars. We only have around 3 weeks until we get our school money. They we can fix this little issue. I just hope that all the jobs I have applied for waits until I can get back and forward.

[Edit at 4:55pm] Today has turned out better then my night. I got all my house cleaning done. All bills paid that needed it. We are even going to do the yard tonight when Kyle gets home. All in all not a bad day. 🙂

PS: I added the “like button” back to the side of the entries, Cammie. I hope that makes you a little happier!!