
House full of love

I have a house full of people and I couldn’t be happier. They drive me insane sometimes but over all I am super happy about it. I have Caroline (age 13) and Meadow (age 10) plus Chance (age 3) tonight. We had family night. Watched movies and had dinner. The kids have been here since noon. I do enjoy having the house full sometimes. I love the fact that Kyle is okay with having all my family here.

I am still waiting on work to call me in to start working. They still haven’t got my drug test back. Not sure why. I have to call my work Monday again and see what is going on. If they want me to take another one I can. Not sure what is going on with that. I would love to start work soon.

Well, it’s late and I need to finish getting the kids in bed. Night world. BTW, did you look at the super moon tonight?



I have been aiming to blog forever. I have no real reason why I haven’t done so sooner. I have had time, I have had subjects I wanted to talk about, and so forth and so on but truly, I haven’t because I couldn’t muster the energy to do it.

The last few months have been very trying physically, mentally, and emotionally. I have started my depression medications back which has helped a little bit but a lot of it really is just pushing myself forward. Trying not to step backwards in this battle.

I twittered a while back saying “Depression is such a hard fight. I feel like I am fighting a battle I will never win.” and I feel that way 99% most of the time because of the fact as soon as I think it is getting better, it kicks me down again.

I feel so overwhelmed due to the fact, I am a full time college student now (by the way, I am very happy and proud of), a home owner (which means no land lord to call if something goes wrong), working part-time (sometimes closer to full time) and trying to have a social life. . .well, kind of a social life. The closest to one as I want to get at this moment in time. That’s a lot on my plate right now for one single person. I don’t have someone to share my stress with or help me with the things I need to get done or to even share anything with. I’m doing it alone.

I have been very lucky that my father and one of his friends has been doing the major things that need to be done outside to my home. Like building me a new front deck and they fixed my back one. We have the whole outside cleaned up. And random fact: I totally found a stop sign under my trailer. How awesome!?! πŸ˜€

Anyway, I do have more I want to write but I am lost for words at the moment. I am working on a new layout finally. I will be getting my new laptop either tonight or tomorrow. I am selling my 15.6″ laptop and getting a netbook since I have a desktop too.


I guess I just summed it up

I am not dead. Promise.

I have been busying doing nothing. . .hints no blogs. πŸ˜€

I am leaving for a mini-vacation tomorrow morning with the family. We are going to Holiday World for two days then the last day we are going to the Zoo and the Slugger Museum. Looking forward to being with my family.

Last week my AC went out, I had one wisdom tooth pulled and one filling redone. This past Friday I had my other wisdom tooth pulled and one filling done. All my dental work is done for a while.

My parents had a small window unit to that I could use. So, now Mr. Kitty and I are living out of my bedroom. I guess it could be worse. lol

Also, my job at the county clerk office is coming to a end. Ran out of money. But I do have a job interview today for one of the departments at WKU. πŸ˜€ Looking forward to it.

I also start school on August 16th. I almost have everything ready. All I lack is a backpack. Going to get it at the book store when I go get my books.

That has been my month summed up for you. Enjoy leave comments. I promise to comment back. Much love


My BIG to do list

I know everyone is tired of hearing me talk about how happy I am because I am sick of reading it myself, and it’s my blog. So, I thought I would write about things that has to get done or things that need to be done before Cody gets home. Here is to my big to do list. This includes online and offline.

Online stuff isn’t as important to get done but I would like for them to be done before Cody gets home since that means I can spend more time with him and not behind a computer. XD I guess I will break the list down from offline (Inside and outside) and online (projects and just wants).

This list is more for me to know what needs to be done and not really for you guys but you’re more than welcome to keep track. OMG, I am so sorry I am this boring. Here goes:

To Do List:

  • Offline:
    • Inside:
      • Organize office desk (check!)
      • Organize books on both book shelves
      • Organize bedroom closet
      • Organize all photos on my desktop/laptop to folders to make it easier to upload them (check!)
    • Outside:
      • Clean up where the building sits (check!)
      • Clean up back porch (check!) and under back porch
      • Clean up back yard (check!)
      • Clean up top of yard
      • Clean up under trailer
  • Online:
    • Finish making WT a new style (test run)
    • Upload new gallery script to Vibrantly to make it more of a gallery and less like a photoblog.
    • Add some new features to here (check!)
    • Change Crazy Talks layout
    • Do something with Muffin Queen, maybe a photoblog

This list totally makes me sound like I have the worst outside living area ever, but really it’s small things that has been put off for to long. It all has to be done in sections which makes it sound a lot bigger but maybe I can get some help from Cody’s little brothers.


Whatever, I do

. . .what I want. . . Anyway, I have made a new layout since the last time I have blogged. I changed a few things around on the pages. I really like the colors of this layout. I have titled it “Spring”. I am sure there might be some errors, if so, please comment and let me know. I think I have double checked everything. But I have been known to forget something from time to time.

I haven’t blogged in forever since I haven’t really had anything to blog about. I have got in to a routine to do the same thing each day. Which is nice because once May comes along, it is going to be crazy until July. πŸ™‚ I like the fact I have some kind of routine. I can’t wait for Cody to be home so we can get in our daily life routine back on track. As normal and routine as an army life can be.

Far as the puppy I talked about in my last entry, someone came and got him after four days of having him. Which worked out because we really didn’t need a dog right now anyway, we have so much to do in May and June and it isn’t fair to us or the dog to get another animal which would need to be trained. And we wouldn’t be here, it would be left to my parents to take care of while we was away. Just to much right now. I think later on, a dog could be in our future but right now, not so much.

If anyone has has been reading my twitter I have bought the kit to fix my cracked iPhone 3G screen. I think I can do this, I believe I will take pictures of my steps. I can do just about anything once I get an idea in my head. Fixing a phone, can’t be that hard. I have found tons of step by step tutorials and Youtube videos. It looks pretty straight forward and nothing that I don’t think I can handle. And right now I can’t use it anyway due to the cracks so, if I mess it up, I’m not really losing anything. I hope I can. I miss having a smartphone.

Also, this weekend, my family and I are going on a cave tour of Mammoth Cave. I am looking so forward to it, expect pictures of everything this weekend. πŸ™‚ Other than that, I guess everything else has been the same.